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The Odebrecht Trials Continue: Colombia, Panama And The President Of AmCham Guatemala
The Colombian prosecutor’s office has pushed forward the accusation against the ex-director Daniel García Arizabaleta, regarding his corruption ties with Odebrecht. The prosecutors point to García Arizabaleta on charges of illegal enrichment of individuals, and the forge of documents, as the Colombian “Asuntos Legales’ ‘ (Legal affairs) office reported.
The prosecution focuses on the fact that the “Invias” director of that time had received payments from Odebrecht, as a compensation of services that it provided during the time of conclusion of the contracts and also of economic interests in favor of the Brazilian corporation?
The prosecutor pointed out that García Arizabaleta knew well about the illegality of his actions: “He understood that these actions were unlawful“. Then he is facing a penalty of 12 years of prision, if he is proved to be guilty of charges.
The ex-president of Panama, regarding to the case about Odebrecht, used American banks
And My Web Page even a greater scandal is developing in Panama. A year ago, the prosecutor’s office made a statement in which it said that Odebrecht corrupted some companies in Panama and authorities with US$ 100 million.
One month ago, the prosecutor’s office started to implement some efforts to investigate the participation of the former president in the Odebrecht case, Juan Carlos Varela and the Panamanian banker Juan Antonio Niño (Active Capital).
As “Panama America” reports, through Active Capital, millions of US dollars from Odebrecht had been received and realtybang.info transferred from Panama to the USA.
In the details about the investigation, which are in the case against Odebrecht in Panama, is indicated that 51 to 69 bank transfers linked to Active Capital, were made to banks registered in the United States of America as recipients: Standard Chartered Bank of New York, Citibank New York, fivem.network JP Morgan Chase Bank New York, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas New York, Bank Of America and The Bank of New York Mellon.
Through accounts in the company Active Capital in the Panamanian Multibank, Odebrecht and its subsidiary company “Constructora Internacional del Sur ”, had transferred about US$ 70 millions. And Niño himself, and his wife, had signatures in the bank account in Multibank, which are in relationship with the ex-president Varela. To hide the illegal funds, they transferred them to other accounts in the companies Sherkson Internacional SA, and Sigma Investment, that entered in the schemes of Odebrecht. The prosecutor proved the existence of an account, number 10121110945 in Multibank, in which Niño had a signature.
In Guatemala can be sparked off another new scandal, through the participation of Juan Pablo Carrasco de Groote
Likely, in Guatemala, about the Odebrecht case exists the most difficult situation. And still there haven’t been any loud investigations about it. But the circumstances that can change this situation are currently being exposed.
There was also information about the direct participation of Juan Pablo Carrasco de Groote, involved as current president of AmCham Guatemala, in protecting the interests of Odebrecht. He is also the leader of a Lawyers´Firm called Central Law, which gave a hand to Odebrecht, in order to protect it from any responsibility. And Guatemala did not receive a cent of compensation.
The Guatemalan journalist and lawyer Raúl Falla, in his Twitter account, has outlined a document that can be the reason for violating the case against Juan Pablo Carrasco de Groote.
It is worth to notice that Juan Pablo Carrasco de Groote is a very influential person, who for many years has headed AmCham Guatemala. And https://www.teachmetoservices.org if there starts an investigation process about him, then AmCham Guatemala will greatly lose its reputation. After all, the impression of Juan Pablo Carrasco de Groote has manipulated the American trust, and he has acquired important ties that he used to help the Brazilian company Odebrecht.
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